Saturday, September 14, 2024, 12pm
Bird Sanctuary @ North Silver Beach Road
Please join us for great food, drinks and company at our annual BBQ celebration. This is a wonderful time to catch-up with old neighbors and welcome new ones! Feel free to bring a dish or beverage to share.
2023 Annual BBQ
One Island - One Water
Please take a moment to read the Water Advisory Committee’s report on our island’s ground and surface water and the state of our aquifers.
SCHD Water Testing Application
Suffolk County Health Department offers private well water analysis for a $100 fee, which can be waived. SBA encourages residents to test their well water. Click link above for form.
Shelter Island Drought Status
Please take a moment to read about the Island’s drought status and take necessary precautions to conserve our precious water.
Silver Beach Fact of the Month
During the spring season, Silver Beach hosted a variety of water birds. Two endangered species, Piping Plovers and Least Terns, nested successfully on our Crab Creek property. Also, it appears that two pairs of Willets were nesting there. For three weeks, six American Oystercatchers looked like they were settling in. However, the excitement was premature as they apparently moved on. Better luck next year. Other interesting visitors included Snowy Egrets and Black-bellied Plovers.